Saturday, August 9, 2008

AMANDA The Series


She swore she'd never do it again. But just a minute ago, she did. Oh, please. Don't blame her. If only anyone knew just how hard she tried not to repeat the same stupid mistake again. Still, she lost her battle. Yes, no doubt, she's weak. Indeed, very weak.

She stared at her read eyes. Tears were still down her cheeks. She could hardly breathe. Her throat was on fire. Her tummy was obviously in great pain. She was sweating as if she had just finished a marathon. " Why did I do this?" She wondered as she kept on crying silently. How she wished she could tell it to someone. "No way I'll ever do that. I created this so I got to end it myself."

She washed her face, her hands and wiped them. She took a long deep breath and put a fake smile on her reddish face. No one should witness this. She stepped out the devil's house and walked slowly to her room. All Amanda could think of now is her bed. Her legs were shaking she nearly missed her steps. Sleep. She needed that. She must rest. A cup of plain water and before anyone could even spell a word, Amanda was already sailing.

"She's not OK. Something is up. I've got to find out." Faith, Amanda's closest friend was concerned. She's determined but then came the big question. How? " I don't know but I must and I will find a way. I promise."

to be continued.....

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