Wednesday, September 8, 2010

mind of a respected individual.

"If kita rindu kat someone so much that it hurts, then solat lah.. And baca lah Al-Quran.. Kerana yang pasti.. Diri kita sebenar2nya merindui Allah.. Dan jika cukup amal kita, hilanglah semua rindu kita.. .................. He loves us.. We just need to reach out.."

"Allah uji kita, by taking away what we love, to remind us of Him. Yang cinta duniawi tidak berkekalan.. Jangan bersedih.. Allah Maha Penyayang. He's watching over you.."

".......... Life is not complicated. we are. We only want things we can't have because we forgot we already have the most valuable thing, Allah."

" 'What were once ours' does not exist. They will always be ours.. Once something became a part of us, it won't ever leave.."

-Thank you. ^_^

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