Wednesday, July 29, 2009

4 Nights In A Row

July 25th
I had a dream. It was weird and almost impossible, too good to be true.. Trust me, i woke up in shock myself.

July 26th
I had a dream, the same one, but a shorter version. Still, it was clear. This time, i did not wake up in shock, but with wonders. Why? How come?

July 27th
I received a call. After midnight, very, very early in the morning. We talked. Dia wanted to ask something but ended up not. God knows what. I told myself, "Kebetulan ni.. Once in a while, memang dia akan call." So, okay then. No need to think deeper.

July 28th
We talked on the phone again. Twice, which makes three times in 2 nights. Still, dia did not ask what dia wanted to. Dia said, "Takde pape lah.." So, I went like, "Okay" and I laughed.

I'm like 80% sure there is nothing pun tapi tetap rasa nak tulis. Bila tengah tak buat apa-apa, confirm terfikir jugak. Apakah? Adoi..

My point is too simple actually. I dreamt of a same person who later called.
The end.


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